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Planning & Strategizing for Apparel Brands


With Karen Buscemi of Detroit Sewn


A lot of “teachers” on social media tell you they will get you to a large amount of followers or big sales numbers. But that’s just low-hanging fruit to get you to buy their services.

The only way to grow a business is to be properly educated in your industry, create a strategy, and follow and refine the plan.

I teach. I teach you what you need to understand to grow and make it in this industry. You have to differentiate, you have to know your customer, you have to understand your brand, and you have to know how to price your products.


I am a manufacturer AND an educator. This is what differentiates me. I have worked with hundreds of clients throughout their pre-production and production. I know their questions. I know where they are missing important information. I know where they make their mistakes. This is the knowledge that I bring to you.

And if you don't want to do it yourself, my team and I can also handle portions or all of your your brand strategy and execution. 

Ready to check out our Brand Services?

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